8. Stop connecting Y’s action with others or with Y’s other related action.
E.g.: You are a drunkard, so is your father and the entire family. You are selfish, so is your sister etc.
9. Stop connecting your state of well-being with the acts of others in your life. No one is responsible for your joys. You and only YOU ARE responsible for your joys/ happiness.
Most important is:
Start healing. How? By following few of the following guidelines. Results would follow slowly maybe but surely try them.
10. a. start thinking out how you want Y to be or the situation to be instead of how it is.
For e.g.:
Y drinks. Instead of continuously saying:
1. See, he drank today also
2. I know he’ll always drink.
3. I am to suffer like this only.
4. I have to accept and live with it for the rest of my life etc.
Just say:
1. He is a teetotaler onwards.
2. He has only clean and healthy habits.
3. She keeps the house clean everyday and enjoys keeping it so.
4. He loves studying and does well in exam.
5. We share good loving, peaceful relationship with respect and trust for one another.
6. I am successful and confident.
b. Stop using “should not” for affirmations.
Like: 1. I don’t want fights in our home.
- Should be as -
I want peace in our home.
2. I don’t want divorce.
- Should be as –
I want to lead a happy married life.
3. I don’t want to go late.
- Should be as –
I want to be on time.
4. I don’t want to fail.
- Should be as –
I have passed with flying colours.
5. I don’t want to suffer.
- Should be as –
I want to be happy.
C. Heal with the various techniques of Reiki and see the results for yourself.
Till you do this, I go to write my next post…..