Sunday, March 29, 2009

Beginner's must know tips

All that you needed to make a brand new good beginning

As all journey starts at the very beginning, so does our journey towards a purpose, blissful and meaningful life start at the beginning or the starting point of our journey. And our journey’s starting point is the Thought. How? Well, the task of converting a mortal of mud into pure gold starts with the right raw material used for the purpose. As we all very well know any finished good is what it is or what it turns out to be because of the quality and the quantity of the raw materials used. For e.g.: wooden furniture can’t be made out of a clay mould just as a clay pot can’t be made from a lump of gold. The raw materials are the only deciding factor in the final product of the matter. Just the same FATE or DESTINY is just the final product. FATE is our present that we are living, experiencing and suffering/enjoying (as the case may). But it has been long before projected by a single thought of ours.

“I have long before lived all the moments in my thoughts”- Swami Chinmayananda.

GOD first thought, then uttered “OM” and the world came into being. He has made a replica of himself in Man. The creative abilities of His are also passed on to the Man in the Order of Thought, feel, word and Action. That means, every thought is the seed of my probable future. I nurture it further with similar or repeated thoughts. Then it is coloured with emotions and fed further with words. Each thought stays with us in our system as a Psychic Impression. Set of psychic impressions is what constitutes our Belief systems. Belief system in turn determine our habit. Our habits form the basis for our Character and the Character is the determining factor of our fate. And the FATE started with every Single Thought.
“Ke sera sera” - “As you think, you shall be.”

So, let’s work on our dear thoughts that arise dozen/second.

Now the next good question is how do I change the course of my thoughts or the way I think? Well,

a) Pranayamam is the easiest and the best way to bring awareness to the present Moment. Pranayamam automatically shifts our focus to the Moment. Thereby reducing the flow of thoughts and also its travel to past and future as such speeds.

b) Bring Awareness to every Act of yours. Whatever you do, even as you read this blog just ‘be Aware’ that you are reading this blog. Just be Aware of your eyes, of your breath, the colour and the backdrop of the blog. Just Be! As you practice it through the day, you will notice the effect it has on you. Initially, you may not be Aware for more than a minute or two. But still keep doing it. You’ll flow with the events and then again remember that you need to be Aware. Then be Aware of whatever you are doing then. This simple exercise has tremendous results. It empowers you in a strange new way. Experience it to believe it.

c) The simple tip to be Aware more often is stick at every place – kitchen, sink, doors, back of doors, on phone, on T.V., cupboards -on and inside, washbasin- just about everywhere a sticker that simply says “BE AWARE NOW!”.

d) Drop the Belief Systems that bind you. Doubt your Beliefs till you know for sure to believe your beliefs. Every thought that we generate is the outcome of some Belief System. No, (that you just uttered) also is coming out of a Belief System that what I believe is the only right thing. So on and so forth!

e) Meditation is the only way to gather our thoughts and heal all the psychic impressions that we have gathered.

f) Last but the most Important is “Sadhan, Sadhan and more Sadhan”. And one Sadhan that beats all is “HANDS ON EVERY DAY – FULL BODY OF 24 POINTS”.

These simple techniques can help us to grow towards our Maintenance Free state of existence. A state which doesn’t get effected by the laws of karma and the nature.

The product that is Maintenance Free and comes with life time guarantee and with no need for parts replacement and if need be immediate and full replacement guaranteed is a dream product for all of us. It is a Customer’s Ultimate Utopian Wish. But it can be made a reality with our efforts and hands – literally speaking.

So, how many takers?

So, looking forward to see you all as a Maintenance Free energy centres who create beautiful worlds within and without, I remain,

Revathi (as known to you)


mohan said...

1.God has created a man....

This i am unable to understand.Is the same GOD that has created GOOD has also created Bad...?

2.Pranayama is the best way to bring awareness....

The following is purely my personal experience...

I never knew Pranayama 10 yrs back....but i was aware of every action of mine because i was in LOVE.It was a wonderful feeling and everything looked so beautiful....I think being in love is was easy than Pranayama. After learning Pranyama some more channels of mine have opened and I am happy that it has happened.

3.Meditation & Pranayama....i agree with Ms. Revathi

suvarchala said...

yes i agree with Mohan yes its LOVE the magic that does wonders and its my personal experience too.It really makes a person go to the heights and ofcourse depths.
I should follow what Revathi said BE AWARE NOW and I will do this.
Yes one should do Pranayama as mandatory as Brushing and taking bath is.

vijayalakshmi said...

yes, pranayama is makes wonders in our lives. if u do pranayama in the morning you will feel energetic throughout the day & you will do double work in that day. if you didn't do the pranayama any day you will feel laziness and depressed.

Supriya said...

Beautiful article! It has answers to most of the questions I have been asking you and also validates a lot of thoughts that have been coming to my mind lately. Thank you Ma'am for taking the time and helping us find our path to the ultimate.


Swati said...

Thank you for sharing the links.
Trying to focus on breath while doing any activity. Of all the activities of the day atleast on one for few seconds I am able to Focus.
Life is so blank and robotic. Activities sadhan everything is done but awareness towards it is sooo less equal to zero.
Reading blog everyday but not meditating over it.
Life is moving on with zero awareness.
Thankyou for reminding .