Saturday, August 10, 2019



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The period of healing and facing ‘fear’ would be very painful and traumatic. But there is no short cut to it. We saying ‘I don’t like it or am not comfortable’ is not going to make this journey easy or vanish. Enough of being a ‘sissy baby’! Enough of pitying self! Enough of playing the ‘victim’! Enough of being a ‘parasite’ and pushing on the responsibility on to others! Be a man! Be responsible and finally overcome this fear of yours!

The various techniques taught to you will empower you finally and use them again and again to overcome fear!

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Work on your trust and be on this path of sadhan.

Work on expectations and conditions too!

Accept that not everything will go as planned!

Be open to mishappenings in life!

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“Greatest sin of human life is ‘fear’” – Swami Vivekananda and so say our Vedas!

So let us outgrow this “cancer” that has been eating our energies, capabilities, potentials and our life from us!

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Let us wage war against this fear!

Let us free ourselves of our greatest enemy!

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Aarthi said...

Sometimes vr tested,not to show our weakness,but to discover our strengths.

Mona said...

Thank you Ma'am. I realised this today, although you had explained this years ago in your post and last year personally as well. If we actually meditate on any vikara it takes you back to only two - fear and ignorance. Ignorance can also be dealt with only when you get rid of fear. So we need to try every technique possible to tackle fear first - I will do the same for this month.
Thank you Ma'am.
- Mona