Sunday, January 17, 2021



Same old, same old – Old wine in New bottle! 

One way or the other when people are driving fast and going at high speed in their career, life or karma pushes them or puts them to rest on way or the other. When the going is fast and hectic, the person is all going out! When his work outside is quite a bit done (by way of magniture)**, then the Nature decides he (the person) needs a break to recoup and reassess his priorities in life and sends signals – which like most ‘wise ones’ he overlooks.

Some like Dilip saab learn the right lesson the first time. They know how to navigate the right way and direction, the right speed and with right state of mind in the material world. They realize and accept that it is stupid to go behind ephemeral*** things of the world by burning themselves. They realize that the ‘self’ is above all! So as they chase and experience the things of life, they keep ‘themselves’ above all!

The purpose of ‘road block’ being served it doesn’t come again and such people ride the train of success for a very long time in the right frame of mind – i.e., being happy and contended inspite of being successful (Read this sentence more number of times to understand it correctly!)

 Others – well, they – they go from one pain to another!


 # slow down, outer world, healing self

 ** By the way it doesn’t apply to people doing just daily routine 9-7 jobs. Their speed is less than 40kmph so where would there be need to slow down further. We are talking about people who are high achievers or who are high performers ONLY. Your logic will make you apply this right example in wrong place. Beware!  

 *** ephemeral – things that last for very short time, 

अषाष्वत , क्षणिक 

అశాశ్వతమైనది , క్షణికము 

(for all those reading Telugu and Hindi scripts, some days you may find typo mistakes - bear with me - if you want it corrected, then point it out and i will do the needful)

Any suggestions to improve the post content or look will be looked into and those that i can accommodate i surely will....

Questions answered :

  • What is the purpose of breaks in life?
  • Why do people who are adamant have more break down situations than the flexible ones?
  • What is the purpose of life?

Points to be noticed and taken :
  • Break can be both forced by circumstances or the self claimed one (by one who is sensible enough to see the signs)
  • Lazy bones beware - Don't use this to express your laziness. Don't quote me to run away from your job or responsibilities saying 'you need a break'. Be honest! Laziness should be tackled by giving in to more work and taking more responsibilities.
  • You can learn the easy way or the hard way. Choice is yours. Easy way is one where you respect the flow of seasons in life. Easy way is when you develop patience and you learn to wait and heal. Hard way is when life gives you 'jolt' painful and compulsive enough to make you let go off your adamant nature and pick up being flexible. 
  • A hiatus helps you to admire and value what we have. 

Let's do some thinking : 

I didn't write for few days. And ...... the feelings, questions and demands for writing - wow....
now my question is - what does this teach you or reflect? 
When I ask for feed backs, sharing experiences, ask questions, then only couple of the regulars answer and others - you know are silent! (But we read maam, but don't like to type, don't want to type, don't find to read/type etc etc)
For not playing your part of reading daily or sharing your insight etc which hardly is for 5 mts max - you have all valid reasons and yet
yet you KNOW HOW THE OTHER PERSON IS SUPPOSED TO  act and how much to act. 
Apply this in every aspect or atleast the aspect of life where there is some tension. Maybe, you are sure of how others should give and when, how much to give to you, but when it comes to playing your part in that relationship you are escaping with the excuses many times by way of blaming the other!
Take a pause and do some honest internal check. May be it's time we change the dynamics of our relationship by changing the way we demand from it and the way we function in it!

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