Sunday, January 31, 2021

On receiving Grace


On receiving Grace

Next, we need to change for better and right way of living.

Last and most important – forgive others before seeking forgiveness for self. If you ‘demand’ forgiveness from God/Universe/Guru through Reiki, be the first to forgive your perpetrators.

If you come up with reasons to call them names, to justify your feelings of wanting to hurt them or killing them, so does Universe/guru have reasons to send to you what you deserve. If you still hold grudge on others, how can you receive ‘grace’?

‘Grace’ is received ONLY by the simple and pure in heart. Leave behind your lust, demands, hatred and being adamant and demanding – and lo! Grace flows from heavens above drenching you with abundance beyond your wants and needs. It doesn’t descent as per your worthiness but as per ‘His Capacity’.

Now it is up to us to decide if we will use Reiki to get things as per worthiness.


Use it to heal ‘our wrong attitudes’ and make us eligible to receive ‘His Grace’!

Choice is yours to make!

Right to choose is yours!

May your mind guide you to your betterment!

May you have clarity to see through your mind’s wrong sense of logic and arguments!

May you choose for your own good! 


# on receiving grace, karma, consequences of karma, give and take, grace, 

PS : If you have any other post from this blog related to this topic, give the link to it for all to benefit.

Points to understand :
  • It is very easy to talk about 'what God/grace/healing' is supposed to do.
  • It is next to impossible to accept that the problem lies within.
  • It is next to impossible to look within.
  • It is unacceptable to go within, be honest about self and address it.
  • Blessed are the few who see that and walk that path.
  • However small their steps are, blessed are those few who are the 'lights' of this world and they are the torch bearers for all the future comers to come!

So, What is your miracle of the day?


Swati said...

I read this and decided if I have to receive grace I have to be worthy of it.
And that will only happen if I change myself etc etc. it was difficult to accept things so I decided, just let's do hands on and become worthy and slowly things started falling in place. Sadhan till December started and because of mam I can feel I have strength to get up even after a bad break down. This motivates me further to do hands on.
Blessing from guru is worth everything.

Aparna Deshpande said...

I am watching myself there is a lot of changes in me and the other i feel that is the reflection of mine thank you so much that I am able to see within me and accepting my self 💕💕💕
Thank you for sadhan and I am doing regularly ,🙏🪔🎉
Happy Dipawali 🪔💕🪔🎉🎉🎉