Sunday, February 18, 2018

My Guru – on intent and travelling!


My Guru – on intent and travelling!

But a person who learns/ unlearns as he travels does it for his soul. He picks out his belief system that is false, limiting and prejudicial and drops it, develops a bigger, broader and better perspective as he meets people grows in character as he travels. His attitude betters with his every trip that he makes. His taste widens be it in cuisine, the way he dresses or the language that he talks. He comes back richer in all these areas. This person travels for soul. But if I come back cursing that I didn’t get rice and sambar where I travelled then, I am better off at home than travel to all these exotic places. If you want to recreate everything you are used to everywhere, then why travel? Such people are wanderers who are lost.

And those who find themselves in every place they visit or while they travel are souls who are gathering up their pieces spread out in the world. They come back richer and complete after every trip they make. Travelling completes then not their egos. In fact, they lose a bit of ego in every place they had travelled, every trip that they have taken. They come back richer in person. They need not necessarily bring back ‘memorabilia’ from places that they visit but they certainly do bring back a part of themselves with them.  Their
homes may not reek of artefacts of the world or places that they visited but they certainly carry a part of that place with their persona forever! They become the world that they travelled. They soak in the world within and hence experience the expansion of the soul as they travel and that gives them a high that forces them to go out into the world again and again!

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