Friday, February 16, 2018

Me, My Guru – on intent and travelling!


Me, My Guru – on intent and travelling!

“Is it same as you saying that a person can sing from stomach, throat or soul?” asked someone.

She simply said “mmm” and nodded her head.

“But what exactly does that mean? And does that apply to every act of ours” asked a voice from behind.

“It simply means many do work to fulfill one’s survival needs of food, clothing and shelter. They sing or do any act for survival. For them a profession, job, work is to aid them in just fulfilling this requirement. Some work to fulfill their emotional need – then their family’s and their near and dear ones need and its fulfillment comes into play. If it is an art form, then they express it from their ego center or it comes out as of their ‘knowledge’ center. The very few work as an expression of their soul. They express an art as an expression of their soul. They have highest agenda for the same mundane routine for everyday life!”

“But I love travelling, how can this be true for it? Is it same for all or isn’t it?” asked someone from behind.

“It means you are a TT in train, guide or a taxi driver if you are travelling for stomach” said someone. Everyone started laughing.

“Not necessarily! If you love driving and choose to be driver hence then you is not travelling for stomach. Here, you are driving as it fulfills your emotional need – i.e., it gives you emotional satisfaction of happiness so it means you are driving to fill that need. But if you drive as you don’t have any other means to earn then you are driving to fill your stomach or fulfill your physical need only. Here, you are not all that happy driving....


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