Saturday, February 17, 2018

Me, My Guru – on intent and travelling!


Me, My Guru – on intent and travelling!

But if driving gives you or takes you to your ‘silent zone’, then you are doing it for your spiritual need even though you may not know it or realize it. If you love seeing places, travelling as you learn while you do so, you get to meet people and you love to meet and people and interact and connect with people, you feel that helps you to connect with yourself in a more better way, then ‘driving’ becomes an excuse to fulfill that need of yours and hence becomes spiritual.

But most of us travel as we are comfortable here – the place where we are in and the people we live with. Then travelling becomes an excuse to ‘run away’ from home or place/person that you dislike, then it fulfills your basic need or material need and hence it is of lowest kind. I have even seen people travelling as a form of ‘rebellion’ against their family or to run away from their familial responsibilities.  Here inspite of travelling the world the person only becomes tired when he comes home and feels he was happier outside and so plans next trip in
search of that elusive happiness – which is elusive all through his life. He is confused. Inspite of such hard work, how come he is still not happy whereas some people hardly move out of their homes and yet seem contended! Since this type of travelling is done in search of happiness, it is physical in nature. These are the ones who travel to post their pictures on FB and other social sites.

Next are the ones who travel to get some ‘spiritual benefit’ in the form of punya (blessing) by travelling to religious sites. But since they desire to receive or meet God or His grace in such places only, they too come with heavy baggages but with empty hearts and hands.

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