Wednesday, May 4, 2016

On gratitude and suffering


Remember, no one, absolutely no one in this world is liable to come to your aid when asked. Asking is in your hands but to help or not is their choice. No one is bound to serve/help you – whatever is the relation. Be it a student, master, spouse, sibling, offspring, parent, friend, relatives or anyone.

If anyone does, he/she is good enough to do that. They are generous enough to share their know-how finance, physical help etc with us. Be grateful for that. Don’t take any help for granted. Being grateful is one attitude that defines your character and decides your destiny – either way. So instead of looking at people who didn’t ‘help you or stand by you’ look at people who stood by you and helped you. Count your blessings! Yes, I am doing that and hence state ‘only good thing about my bad times is my kids and spouse’. Really? You think your perception is right this way. No way! You are giving others selfishness major share and consolation prize is ‘kids’. That is not being grateful. 

When you are grateful, the one person who stands by you is good enough of a ‘SUN’ to light up your entire world. 

When you are grateful, that one number encompasses the whole world and you feel rich enough to pity Bill Gates. 

Gratitude allows you to look at rainbow when you are drenched in rain and shivering in cold. 

Gratitude teaches you to dance in rain and not think about your dress getting spoiled. 

Gratitude puts a smile on your face when you are facing a guillotine. 

In gratitude you know you are surrounded by hope, love, grace, blessing and kindness.

If this perception comes, you thank reiki and God for letting you go through ‘tough times’ because  you received something more special or you missed out on receiving something negative and more painful.

Now, why should I see it this way? Why should I always look at brighter side? Why not be angry at people who ditched me and who cheated me/gave me pain or are cause of my suffering?


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