Sunday, May 1, 2016

On Destiny


 See Felix in 2016 still continuing his work that he started then, years ago as a kid.........

Yes, we sat down to discuss on this issue again. We all had our experiences to fall back on to understand ‘her pleadings’ to be in sadhan regularly. Yes, it was in ‘good times’ we had to be more regular with our sadhan, so that it could help us through our tough times. There was time when we would argue with her asking stupid and selfish questions like ‘if even after doing sadhan, we are to face tough time what is the purpose of doing sadhan at all?”. She had been way too generous and patient with us in gently explaining and encouraging us to be in sadhan at all times. 

 Now we understood that the sadhan in good times helped us to be more balanced in our ‘bad times’. It gave us solutions faster as we were concentrating on coming out of it rather than going on ‘depression drive’. Yes we all re-iterated our resolve to be in sadhan and to remind each other of same.

As others left to talk to others, Rahul showed me a ‘piece of paper’ that he said he found the lady leaving the premises drop. Even from here, it was evident tha she was crying. I saw that scrap of paper which had few lines “ ........  Most of the decisions which he took were emotional rather than calculated. Frankly he never took calculated risks in business as well, he just took risks hoping everything will end up as he planned. Never knew his family who all along were dependent on him would turn up against him when he is in trouble.We planned to sell the house for which  no one is coming forward to buy. As money leaves friends and family also leave .....people whom we  helped in the past also turned up against us....."

No doubt she explained on that topic in detail today again! 

I looked at Rahul and we shared a look and smile that said “now you see!” She never talked anything irrelevant. Only we didn’t understand it then. This woman didn’t have courage to ask in front of others and had written a letter to give to ‘her’ and yet she explained without pointing any finger at that lady. The lady did not seem satisfied. She went crying and without getting ‘her’ explanation. May be her ‘need’ was not met. No doubt she was disappointed in ‘her’. We saluted our Guru for what she was and the way she conducted herself once again.

It was such times that Rahul’s belief in her was reconfirmed and my doubt regarding her knowing our pain and needs were put to rest. We resumed what we were doing till late evening………


This song is from film 'apnapan'....good one ....

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