Saturday, February 25, 2023

on sadhan!


on sadhan!

       Further to  request all those interested to do the sadhan do let me know....will decide as per your participation......


V Sridhar said...


Kshitija said...

I am interested and ready to participate
In both
a) once in a month light circle
b) one day sadhan of the list of sadhan given on Shivaratri or anything similar to it

Aparna Deshpande said...

🙏🙋🏻‍♀️👍 ready ma'am

Mona said...

I will participate, and so will my mother. Thank you
- Mona

Kshitija said...

Today’s experience of light circle was wonderful in the end I felt two hands blessing me .
Can we do light circle on every Saturday from 9:00 to 9:45 pm

Mona said...

Thank you for the light circle session Ma'am.

Mona said...

Kshitija, saturday and sunday will be difficult for me. any other day/ night is ok.
- Mona