Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Selfless - an attitude worth practicing!



Selflessness - an attitude worth practicing!

Cause of your pain and suffering is right where you are creating it!

You are receiving what you are giving!

You are the cause of what you receive from others in your life!

Others are just instruments of what you receive in your life. They give out ONLY THAT YOU DESERVE BY WAY OF YOUR ATTITUDE AND conduct in your life with others!

Look within….be courageous enough to know this in you.

Be humble enough to accept it.

Be brave enough to own it up!

And, be sensible enough to heal it.

Then, only then will magic happen in your life – until and unless you respect ‘rules’ and practice them with respect, love, gratitude and humility, you will never come out of this – ever!

Better now than later!

Road long and tedious, but certainly worth and must doing – so walk alone, walk regular, walk towards abundance for yourself….

Buck up for no one can do this for you ……..



# selfishness, selflessness, love, on relationships, giving and receiving, abundance, character, attitude, 

I know some of you are irritated that the post link given is not in date order - sorry about that - please bear with me and read the link given in the date order for better understanding - and yes, thank you for understanding and bearing with me.....

Question time :

How has the links given helped you with the present post?

Did going through the old post help you to understand these points better now?

Share as ever - your insights and understandings - you don't know how you can help someone in need with your sharing - you can learn to give with this simple act of yours.....your example and insight can open up so many blocks of others - trust me on that! Be a light unto others!

Don't let selfishness control you - develop sharing with others with this simple act ......

and bless all those who do especially on regular basis.......yesterday's my japam I give away to all those who are doing this job.......those who come under this category and are aware, if you have noticed it, then share it with others.....they'll also know what to look for and how to notice henceforth.....

and yes, bless you again in advance for sharing the same......


Supriya said...

Thank you for your blessings maam. I am truly blessed to be your student.

There were two tricky situations at work that I was dealing with for the last few days. Yesterday, things fell in place and people found common grounds to agree upon. It was a big relief for me.

Also, personally I find that peace continues to prevail.


V Sridhar said...

Thank you for this lovely post with all the old links all of which I had not read & missed, was wonderful...
I hv been selfish many times & when I look back it's easy to see I was in the head and had operated from my ego ... the focus was on the end result & not on what was right... even if I had gained anything out of it, it did not contribute to my growth as an individual... I never realized that the situation itself had my own karmic imprints...
I hv also been selfless many times & these were times when I was spontaneous without thinking & was in my heart centre...
Looking back these were some of my real blissful moments...when I hv felt like the emperor of the universeπŸ˜‡❤πŸ™
I cannot go back to the past and undo what was done as 65 years is a long & rich mixed bag of ups and downs...πŸ˜€πŸ™ƒ but I can (and do) go back to the past & learn some beautiful lessons of letting go selfish & negative motives and emotions just by realizing that working from the wrong centre handicaps me and healing that helps me immensely... I feel that much wiser & love now carries a different meaning altogether...
The other aspect that I am able to see and feel now with clarity is the value of giving Reiki or Blessing to others... No number can be assigned to this value...it's so vast... No wonder All our Masters hv been saying "just Bless them"
Love & Gratitude❤πŸ™