Thursday, September 5, 2019

On Teacher's day!

On Teacher's day!

Have we validated every one who has taught us? 

Image result for teachers quotes

Right from childhood we are learning and growing seeing, reading and hearing from people all around us. The first teachers - our parents are our first teachers. Have we thanked them today? Have we made a list of things that we learnt, received from them and that too unasked.....are we validating it - atleast today? 

Image result for teachers quotesEvery sibling, relative, neighbour, pet that we grew up with taught us 'how to be' and 'how not to be'. It can be as simple as making a tea, cutting a vegetable, making a bed or caring for a plant....they are our teachers too! They have moulded us - we are who we are because of all the people in our lives......

"Judge not for ye shall be judged"

जाती ना पूछो साधू की पूछ लीजिये ज्ञान 
मोल करो तलवारी का पढ़ा रहने दो म्यान।   - कबीर 

jaathi na poocho sadhu ki pooch leejiye gyan
mol karo talvari ka padha rahane do myaan ..

Why are you asking the caste of the monk/teacher? Ask what him his knowledge....

Image result for teachers quoteswhen you buy a sword you assess its worth by looking at the sword not its case.....

This beautiful couplet of Sant Kabir (Poet Saint of India) says how stupid and ignorant bother about the redundant fact of the teacher and leave the essence - his knowledge. 

If you are only demanding, expecting, angry, conditioning and judging your teacher, how can you complain later that you did not receive his 'grace'?

Be a 'student' first then expect him to be your master!

Image result for teachers quotesBeing a student doesn't mean giving your 'wish list' to him and demanding /cajoling / flattering him to fulfill that for a student and develop the qualities of the student, then 'your Guru' would come into your life......

Image result for teachers quotes

And what better teacher than life and time.......don't treat them as your enemies - they are your best friends come to teach you about yourself and the world around you...they work with you to create the world that you desire and dream.....value them, respect them and above all be grateful to them.....

To ponder :

What is your definition of 'master/teacher/Guru'?

Are you working on being a student or expecting someone to fill in the shoes of your master?

# student, teacher, discipleship, fate, life and its lessons

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