You are in the wrong place!
Who are in the wrong place?
"If you think you know more than me
then you don’t need to come any further to my classes.
If you think you need to teach me on
taking decisions then you don’t need me as a master. You should leave me.
If you think you can strategize me
into behaving your way and doing and saying things that you want me to then
dear, why waste time with me? You have chosen a ‘very wrong’ person as your
master then?!
If I don’t know even little more
than you then why are you here with me? Save
your energy and time. Leave my sessions!?
Because a master is one who know
little more than his student.
A master is one who should be
guiding his student.
If you think you are smarter than me
then you are wasting coming to me.
You need to choose your master with
You need to be little less than your
master ……
You need a guide.
If you are here to teach me then
sorry I am not in the place right now to learn all that you have to offer by
way of teaching – so leave as we both won’t benefit from meeting each other…….." said a teacher to his student.
Think on your actions, intentions
and words to see how it applies to you and what you need to do……..
also read :
Points to ponder :
1. Are we coming to class with an intention of learning or manipulating our master into behaving the way we want him to?
2. Are we jealous of our master at some level? If yes, then why are we going to our master if all he gives is a cause to suffer.
3. Are we competing with our master and trying to prove him/her wrong most of the time and trying to show that we know and experience as much as them if not more?
4. Are we being generous in trying to teach our master?
5. Are we with the master to learn and outgrow our limitations or are we to teach him/her how to be a better person?
# student qualities, discipleship, on who receives grace
1 comment:
The best way to learn is to be a blank slate and let the master decide the syllabus for you. It has worked excellently for me!
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