Sunday, September 15, 2019

Living this moment!

On living in this moment!

Cry not that it is over, rejoice that it happened! Yes, it is painful that it is over.

Yes, it is better if had not been over.

Image result for uncertainty quotes
But, things don’t work out as we wish NOW – they go as per our long forgotten wishes…

We don’t know why we created this present in our past.

We don’t remember why we chose for this future in past.

But we did. And here we are! So, let’s embrace our choice of past and make the most of it so that we create something worthwhile for the future of ours to come ……..

So that tomorrow we have some sweet memories to fall back on…

Yesterday left you with pain.

Yesterday we lost something.

Yesterday left you wanting more.

Image result for uncertainty quotesAnd today you have option to choose in wallowing in self pity and pain or get up, reassess your present possessions, be happy for WHAT YOU STILL HAVE and be happy with it and make memories with them…..

Choose – choose wisely!

also read :

# dreams do come true, breaking down situations, attitude, character, challenges of life, everything happens for good......, expectations, freewill, Happiness, 

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