Thursday, September 12, 2019

Whatever happens happens for good!


Whatever happens happens for good!

Image result for quotes about losing someoneNothing else is in our hands to control. Yes, inspite of all our prayers, fear, anger and desire to control we are nowhere to being controlling our life and its situations. So, lets’ look into ONLY area that we have control over and that is US! So, let’s sit to heal ourselves. Not 10 or 15 mts/day, not couple of hands-on points. No. sincerely, wholly!  If we are not desirous of working for our well-being why should anyone in the world, which includes the GOD whom you consider as your ‘genie’ just because you did some onetime pooja and spent money on that too!

If you are so busy with your life that you can’t take time to heal, then why do you think Universe would think you are serious about your dream/desire/wish?

Think, think well before being angry with your Guru/Reiki or God!


# everythings happens for good, fate and destiny, attitudes, character, breakdown situations...

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