Tuesday, September 3, 2019


On Solutions......

It's not that we don't have solutions given to us......

It's not that we are not given a way out of our issues and problems....

God/ Reiki / Universe / Guru - is ever giving you ANSWERS and ways to deal with situations....

But - it is we and our adamant nature that doesn't let us see the solutions.....

Or are we so stupid to prefer our adamant nature over solution?

Adamant Nature - A quality in us that is "having a set way of wanting things and people to behave and outcome to come". 

A man was sitting cribbing complaining that he was hungry. 
His mother told him that 'food ' was in the kitchen. He can eat it. 
He sat there and complained that 'food' did not come to him inspite of him dying of hunger. 
He complained that no one gave him food inspite of him being so 'good'.

Are you finding reasons to not change yourself and yet expect different results from the life and Universe?

We want our answers that we want to 'listen' ONLY and then complain no one answered my question....think on that.......

# solutions, healings, perception, attitude, listening, answers

related posts : https://kantipadam.blogspot.com/search?q=answers 

Questions answered - 

Why is my desire not getting fulfilled?

Why are my prayers not listened?

When will my desire be fulfilled?

How to end my problems?

As always I request you all to go through the related posts too once again with patience and find your answers....and do share with others you find - when you do.....

1 comment:

Mona said...

I dont know about other sources, I find all my answers here itself :-)