On Truth!
said it is fine to ignore as the situation would heal itself and others said ‘Truth’
can’t be brushed aside to heal itself. It has to be faced and only then we can
outgrow the fear that comes with the Truth and then we also can attend to it
with honesty. Both are right but at two difference situations. Let’s see few of
such situation to understand this better.
I give
below few instances for you to go through and say when in the following
situations it’s ok to ignore ‘the Truth’ and when it is not. When if ignored, the situation doesn’t heal
itself and when it heals itself if ignored!
1 A:
one is cutting vegetables and gets a small cut – not too deep just a small one –
hardly few drops of blood oozes out.
1 B:
one has a major accident and couple of broken bones
2 A:
one looses Rs.100/- and is in immense pain and crying
2 B:
one has a business loss of say couple of crores.
3 A:
one has a break-up, divorce, loss of a dear one to death
3 B:
one’s partner /kid is a repeated
offender – say stealing, gambling, losing in business again and again et so.
4 A:
one has a bruise
4 B:
one has arthritis / acutely anemic / cancer
5 A:
one lies to throw ‘surprise party’
5 B:
one lies for no reason and is a regular compulsive liar
6 A:
friend / colleague /boss / relative taunts /teases / insults
6 B:
one gets hospitalized or requires first-aid for regular physical and mental
7 A:
qualities or feelings like boredom, being relaxed etc
7 B:
feelings of anger, hatred, jealousy, irresponsibility etc
8 A:
someone lies about where they have been to avoid confrontation
8 B:
someone lies with the intention to cheat
common issues and situations have been given to you to decide where it is fine
to ignore and still it would work itself out and in which of cases it is must
to confront and face it to heal it?