Tuesday, May 21, 2019

On blessings!

On blessings!

Are curse and blessing interchangeable?

Can we do that?

What is one thing that changes a "curse" into a "blessing" and a "blessing" into a "curse"?


1 comment:

Supriya said...

I don’t know if they are interchangeable.

A person’s wish for us is just a wish. Blessings and curses are two distinct things and it’s definition is purely dependent on the receiver’s attitude. For example : In Mahabharata at the end when Gandhari wished that Lord Krishna’s entire clan destroys the way her’s did, Lord Krishna thanked her for solving his problem and left her place with gratitude and love and with the belief that it was a blessing for him. Which means we can chose to see our solutions in someone’s wish. When we are not in the right mindset we have the ability to change the same wish into a curse even if it was meant to be given as a blessing.

Having said that, even if one takes someone’s wish as a curse initially, they can still change it into a blessing by changing their attitude towards that wish and that person.

Thank you!