Friday, May 17, 2019

On Truth!

(Continued ...)

On Truth!

As rightly observed by you, some of the issues don’t need to be addressed at all – infact they heal faster if ignored. But some issues need to be addressed immediately to get over the problem once and for all! Now, the problem is when to heal and when to over look an issue? And correctly putting them in the right bracket is a life-time learning and unlearning (for most of us!) process. But is there a way to learn it faster? Is there a way to address an issue whenever we face one?

Yes – one most important and all time effective – the one panacea for all such disease for all such disease is ‘look within’. Yes, every time we face an issue that gives us pain or suffering or both, we feel anger, irritated or helpless or if we are in fear, sit to know the cause of ‘such of emotion’. Don’t justify them! If you do, you are losing yourself from finding the solution or addressing the problem.  Just accept your emotion. Own it! Don’t think or say “if he had been good, I wouldn’t get angry!” etc. Don’t! 

Once you own your emotion, now go within and check where you are getting it from. Again don’t lose yourself in pointing fingers at others! External reasons can trigger those emotions but it was within you always! Only when you understand and accept this will you face yourself honestly and face this Truth with courage.

Next would be the easiest part – healing. Use various techniques taught to you in various degrees and go about healing yourself of ‘this uncomfortable emotion’ once and for all from your system.
But all this is not possible till we ‘see’ Truth and acknowledge it.

PS : If it is not clear, ask, I’ll try explaining it again…

also read :

1 comment:

Mona said...

Thank you. I was feeling exactly the same last evening. “if he had been good, I wouldn’t get angry!” 😊 Thank you for answering our questions without us even asking it.