Tuesday, April 19, 2016

On self-learning


 “In your case, your stance itself speaks volume. You look like a leaf about to be blown” came the voice of our Guru from behind. So saying she came to her seat and sat down. “Because you’ve been following techniques not taught by me and following blindly these techniques through internet, you and your life is such a mess. Just take a break and observe your mind. It is so chaotic. That’s the result of techniques that you are following assuming to be good for you. You are playing with energies that you hardly know anything about. When I didn’t teach anything about ‘angels’ why are you doing what you are doing with them? No doubt your problems don’t end and infact they are getting messier – all thanks to your hardwork”.

We didn’t now these things nor did we realize what was being said to her, but we were certainly shocked and shaken. Saritha was staying abroad and would come hardly once in 3-4 years.

“But, I had good experiences with experimentation with angels. So what’s wrong with that?” asked Saritha in a rough tone. 

"Nothing if you had become a better person with that. You are ‘assuming’ it is ‘good experience’ when infact your health is getting spoiled and your attitude is becoming cranky and irritated. There is a difference between ‘ hallucination and real time experience’. If you can trust me still, stop all that nonsense now completely and go to original healing. Even to come back to your original state it’ll take quite some time and only then can we actually talk about your growth.

How can you go on a journey the details of which you hardly know anything about? These are energies which you can’t perceive, touch or measure with your senses. So, you wouldn’t know the effect it has on you. So you need a ‘guru’ who knows these energies and knows to see them and guide you accordingly” she answered lovingly.

“How can you say that my experiences are unreal or for that matter not good ones?” now her voice was raising beyond acceptable levels.

“By looking at you and your life” answered our Guru patiently.


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