Wednesday, April 27, 2016

On Destiny


   1.      Water Management and harvesting – Every year, we are facing water shortage but how many of us are consciously careful when using water. There is so much of water wastage. People still wash their balconies, houses, grills, cars with hose pipes. Can’t you just wipe with wet clothes? Why waste so much of water? Just because you can afford purchasing it, it doesn’t mean you remain selfish and careless.

Like-wise, how many houses and buildings have rain harvesting done? Should it be made mandatory and only then steps taken by all for the same? Should we always be forced to do ‘right acts’ by government or someone else in authority for us to benefit out of it?

Read story of Sri. Ramamohan at Hyderabad and various cases in Bangalore to understand it's easy application and benefit:

Why can’t we take steps even after reading about such role models?

Do we go around educating people about these issues?

So much to do and we are busy only blaming, blaming and blaming. Are we not indirectly responsible for all that we are experiencing today? As we sow so we reap!

Inaction or wrong decisions at our end both constitute our karma and we bear results of our karma. Nothing happens without a reason. We and only we are responsible for everything that we experience in life. Be it personal loss or a social pain. “We receive what we have given”. No other person is responsible for what you are, where you are and what you are going through”. Remember that always…



Kshitija said...

Revathi mam the blog is looking wonderful the columns are really good

Vaibhav said...

Inaction or wrong decisions at our end both constitute our karma and we bear results of our karma. Nothing happens without a reason. We and only we are responsible for everything that we experience in life. Be it personal loss or a social pain. “We receive what we have given”. No other person is responsible for what you are, where you are and what you are going through”. Remember that always…

The above lines Sets me thinking on so many angles!!!

So many more questions pop up..