Saturday, December 12, 2015

What's gratitude?


Inshort, we are both happy and satisfied when grateful. Being grateful is not for others. It is of no use to the person you are grateful to, but to yourself. You gift yourself “Being happy” when you are grateful.

It couldn’t be better explained than by Rahuls’ version of gratitude. He started “ I heard a story of a Zen woman who was a beggar of course from our Guruji many years ago. This woman had come to a village and it being very cold – so cold that it could kill a person in no time if he stayed outdoors, the woman knocked at every door and requested that she be given the shelter for night. But no one compiled to her request. With no other alternative available and with empty stomach, the poor beggar woman decided to spend her night under a tree. She sat down. For no particular reason, she raised her head and lo! She beholds the beautiful full moon. 


She didn’t know that it was full-moon night (pournami). The beauty of that moon transfixed her gaze and she lost count of time looking at moon. In the morning, when sun rose, she realized what she had experienced and in sheer ecstasy she knocked every door of the village and thanked each person in between her tears of joy for not letting her in for night. By that gesture, they had let her experience the night like never before. She kept crying out of joy “I saw the moon, I saw the moon” to all and sundry” completed the story and started his explanation “This story stuck with me and i kept looking at “moon” (i mean blessings) in my life whenever someone denied something in my life. And trust me “I’ve seen many moons thanks to rejections in my life”. Hence, I am grateful for every “NO” that I received in my life. This had only bettered my perception and that in turn has enriched me as a person. So, i am grateful to every person who has said ‘No’ to my needs, expectations, requests and affection.


He sat down but our senses stood up. Everyone started asking questions simultaneously. It seemed as if we understood it all and yet we didn’t get a word of it. It was too bizarre and yet so genuinely shaking us from our slumber. 


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