Saturday, December 5, 2015

Different shades of gratitude


I also learnt that we should thank a person when he’s around. I shouldn’t let my ego come in my way. No point thanking him after he’s gone.


With tears still rolling my cheeks, I took a bunch of TYC to write to so many to whom I owed gratitude for ‘not being what they could have been’. Like “thank-you for not being too demanding’ etc. this would take quite sometime. Everyone started sharing their experiences with regards to this reason of gratitude and it was well past 3 pm when Radhika took us over to her person and reason for gratitude “I thank my mom and my hubby for being themselves in my life. My mom hated me since the time my memory starts. Being hated since childhood by one’s mom gives a freedom from belief systems like nothing else. For eg. She was my mom and mothers are supposed to be good to their kids. Mother would select her kid’s welfare over hers etc. none of this belief system held well in my case. I realized that any mother was a woman, an individual first and being mother was just a role she was playing. How she played that role depended totally on her choice and character. That’s all! She wouldn’t and can’t be ‘someone’ just because of her role.


I also learnt that just because she was bad to me, didn’t stop her from being good to my siblings or to her friends and family. One role doesn’t define who she was.

Emotion for one person doesn’t stop her from having exactly the opposite emotion for other person.

This automatically broke the glass of expectations of her or others in my life. If your expectation from your parent itself is nil, then how much do you expect from others. So I sort of got freed of expectations from others automatically. This brought down pain and suffering from relationships in my life.



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