Friday, December 4, 2015

Different shades of gratitude


A woman can suffer even when her husband doesn’t have any of the obvious ‘bad habits’ never crossed my mind. This sort of exploitation and hurting the person was so subtle and yet so spirit-killing. Yet people hardly noticed it or validated it. This did not just stop at wife. I found it happening in so many relationships as I got to understand it. We always took non-demanding people’s goodness for granted. Infact, we never validated it, leave alone praise it or approve of it. Yes. Isn’t it true that ‘No news is good news’?  Like-wise, if a person is not giving me pain, that’s his gift to me. If the person is not demanding that’s his token of love. If someone’s not complaining, that’s their support to us. And yet we don’t realize that. We are so much used to seeing and validating tangible items that these intangible gifts go totally unnoticed. We receive even when others don’t give. For eg: we receive peace of mind, when others don’t complain.

And yet, all our lives we look for things that “we get” ONLY to thank. What a beautiful lesson!

I receive a lot when I don’t receive too!

If only I knew it.

If only I understood it.

If only I applied and saw it bring abundance in my life, how much more grateful would I be?


I felt a tingling sensation in my cheek and I realized I was crying. Yes, this revelation brought so many memories with it and a lesson and picture of abundance in my life which I hadn’t realized because I hadn’t validated it till date.


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