Wednesday, November 20, 2024

On spring cleaning - Do away with unused items!



On spring cleaning - Do away with unused items!

Physically, the space is cleared.

The shelves look empty, clean and sorted.

Psychologically – it’s relieving. Feels unburdened.

Spiritually – we need to ask what are the things we need to keep. The things that are of no use can be thrown away.

The house that we stay in for a very short time in our life – well, we are ‘so proud’ of keeping it clean. We do this cleaning religiously. We take time, money, interest and energy to decorating it.

Then how much more should we bother about the mind that needs to be cleaned?

Is it not already established that it is what is in the mind that impacts our body?

Anything that takes us away from our ‘glorified version’ can be done away with.

Lies, manipulations, deceit and badmouthing that we have pushed under the carpet – let’s vacuum them off our ‘mind space’.

Our shame and guilt that we have hidden in our closets – let’s throw them away!

The ego that we carry on our sleeves – do we really need it that much?

Look at it closely to see how it is harming our relationships and life.

“Cleaning” is for the house we live.

“Healing” is for the body, mind and intellect that we live in.

Understand the relationship. 

Act accordingly!

Be as enthusiastic of cleaning the mind and ego as your houses!

Happy cleaning!



# spring cleaning, clarity of thought, mindfulness, awareness, chaotic and clarity, healing 






1 comment:

Mona said...

Namaste! I got my entire warehouse cleaned and organised which was pending since september. I cleaned my shoerack and could give away 9 pairs.