Friday, October 18, 2024

Me, My guru – working of Karma noted in a real-life situation!



Me, My guru – working of Karma noted in a real-life situation!

So you see, one who repented changed for the better. The others, they spoiled their karma all through and they had to reap the consequences of their evil deeds even in their next janmas to come” So saying our Guru left to receive her all.

We got our answers. These were live examples. How can we not accept them? And I understood one thing today – we didn’t seek justice. We sought revenge. And that’s why all these years we kept arguing with her. If it was justice, yes it was meted by karma. But revenge was personal, so we never were satisfied with her explanation. The problem was not in her explanation. It was in our perception, want, attitude. Can we change it or not is a different question? Do we want to outgrow it or not was the question we needed to dig deep into and find answers to! But that was not to happen today!!!


Can be continued with further case studies if and only if you participate with your observations/understandings/ 

If and only if I find any of you sharing your observations, understandings and what you have noticed in your life - in similar cases, will I come up with newer case studies......


# me, my guru series, karma, you receive what you give, fate and destiny, destiny, as you sow so you reap, everything happens for a reason, 

read suggested

What did you understand from this case study?

What do these case studies tell you about karma?

What is our role in etching our karma?

What happens to us is because of what we have done in the past. How do we safeguard our future karma with present actions?


Mona said...

I dont know if something bad will happen if someone does bad karma. But being a horrible human being wont let me sleep at night. Being angry, jealous, maligning, would ruin my self respect and peace of mind. Atleast for that, its worth following the path of dharma. If someone's only causing hell for everyone around and living a lavish life and being praised in public, let them. May be they sleep at night peacefully by ruining others families. May be they are actually Rakshasas. Not our job to imagine and wait for their karma. We have to decide what we want to be.

Swati said...

After reading the cases, I was very scared as every good act is reward in the same way. Atleast from now on I am better in my thinking, reason being I won't want that to happen to me. So I am little careful with my thoughts and behaviours.