Sunday, February 19, 2023

On continuing Shivarathri


On continuing Shivarathri

Those of you who couldn't do sadhan yesterday for what so ever the reasons, do it today....

Those of you who did, do it again today.......

let's flow with the flow, it is easy and more effective....

Today being Sunday, day after Shivarathri, which is rare, let's not waste it.......

tomorrow share your experiences......


Mona said...

I have been struggling to get back in routine with healing for the past few months. Maha Shivratri has brought about a fresh start and I feel energised now. I think it is also because of my fellow reiki channels participating in the Sadhan at the same time. Thanks to everyone who did reiki the past two days. We create waves only when we are together.
I would request if we can do light circle sometime, or we can have a regular schedule for light circle once every month - same day and time, so everyone can join that.
Thank you Guruji. Thank you Reiki.
- Mona

Kshitija said...

That’s a good suggestion. Yes mam can we have once in a month light circle at the specific time .

V Sridhar said...

Continued with the sadhan and got some beautiful answers in class this day... Life is in the effort we put in.. when we put in our best effort heart and soul... Even when the result is not as per our expectations, there is still that satisfaction - I had done what I cud under the circumstances.. and that's what counts..
Love and Gratitude ❤️ 🙏

Mona said...

Thank you V Sridhar garu. What you shared is exactly what i experienced first hand.
- Mona