Saturday, January 1, 2022

Fight once more!!!

Fight once more!!!

"You have to fight more than once to win it”

Now, where do I use this?

Where ever and whenever I feel I have ‘lost'. It can be in a relationship. If there is a bump in a relationship, then take time to look within. See all that can be corrected instead of all that is wrong in it. It is easy to give up on a relationship especially marriage but to make it work needs effort atleast from one partner.

It is appreciated by people years down the line when you get to hear "wow - married for 25/50 etc years, that's wonderful". These words just don't happen to people. Every marriage went through downs and painful times. But they looked at small achievements of their marriage and kept working on it. They didn't give up. They felt many times like the target they had set for their spouse and marriage is not even close and yet (like me in June with 85 posts.!!!) they kept making their effort and lo! at the evening of their life, they reaped the benefit of the same....they made it with lots of patience and lessons learnt. They learnt what marriage was all about. They learnt to forgive and move on. They learnt to accept the other with flaws. They learnt to give and share. Many more such lessons from at least one partner maketh a good marriage.


1 comment:

Supriya said...

Another benefit I have seen with reiki rebirth is with my health. Actually the benefits are multi fold. I see that my energies are up, my weight is in check and I have fewer episodes of headaches in spite of it being extremely cold.

With homam: one of my family member was working on something for the past few months. The energies around us cleared to the extent that we saw things materialize on that front.

Thank you Reiki!
Thank you Guruji!