Friday, January 29, 2021

On receiving Grace


On receiving Grace

Dear one,

You have been wronged – I understand.

You are hurt – I understand.

You are denied your right – I understand.

And you are angry, hurt and frustrated – I understand.

You wish to see the persons who hurt you be hurt. You feel powerless, helpless and hopeless. You feel bad.

You can’t see the wrong having good time – I understand.

If, (I say – IF!?) he has wronged, he’ll suffer his karma – when his time comes.

If he’s slapped you today, he won’t be slapped tomorrow. That’s not how karma works!

It has its own timetable. But it’ll slap him!

There are no buts and ifs here – be rest assured!

“I love this ‘karma’. Every person who has hurt me will be dealt with” says you!

Look into this ‘Law’ closely. Does it say ‘special excuses to people belonging to XYZ category’?

No – Rama and Krishna (Both considered incarnations of Lord Vishnu – one of the Trinity Gods of Hinduism) weren’t left out of it!

No one is left out of receiving consequences of karma.

So as you are happy when the wrong doer receiver punishment, then also know and accept, you’ll also receive consequences of your karma. 


# on receiving grace, karma, consequences of karma, give and take, grace, 

also read : 

PS : If you have any other post from this blog related to this topic, give the link to it for all to benefit. 

Points to be considered : 

  • What exactly is the Law of karma and how it functions?
  • It is so easy to see the wrong done to us and justify our wrongs. That is the cause of pain and suffering!
  • Clarity is when we can see our actions and others in the same light and apply same rule for both!
  • What we wish for others is exactly what we are attracting for ourselves! Be aware of it!  

Share a thought or feeling : 

How does greenery make you feel?
What does looking at sunset affect you? 
or any such thought or feeling.....

A look at a tree or any of its parts - say flower, leaf, branch anything makes me stop then and there and marvel at the beauty of the life and the greatness of its Creator!
Trees in all their forms and shapes fill me with happiness and I am not aware of the daily 'painful facts' of my life! 
They enrich me with peace, smile and a twinkle in my eye!

1 comment:

Aarthi said...

Good morning mamm,
Woooo ,yesterday i enjoyed greenry&sunset.
We had seen kothmir,pudina,coconut fields,
Pleasant atmosphere,fresh air,soil smell....awesome greenry.all v culd hear was woooo,woooo.

April.29-1 2020 gurus grace.
March 11,2009,what does god do.
March.21,2009,why good people suffer
June 7,2020,dharma in work.
September 20,2019..