Friday, October 30, 2020

Human Birth and its utility


Human Birth and its utility

It is hard to obtain a human birth, harder to live like a human being and harder still to understand the Dharma and walk on it!

1 comment:

Kshitija said...

Hi Everyone
Some things I have observed
Every day I used to open the blog and look and in my daily life I have noticed few thing
1. The blog has become my councillor. When ever there is a situation I hear the words from the blog ringing in my ears in my mind subconsciously.
2. I have it repeating in my mind till I understand the gist and work on it .
3. When I read that particular blog post I never thought I would remember them but I have remembered few one liners which surprised me .
4. Rebirth meditation
I started doing breathing techniques taught to us especially rebirth when ever I do rebirth I feel connected to myself , internally I feel the blocks in my breathing cleared . So as soon as I wake up these days I am doing rebirth .
Thank you very much for this wonderful blog
May god bless you and your family with health wealth and success