Friday, September 8, 2017

on death!

On death - Me, My Guru

Once we were just talking, asking some random questions and seeking not so serious doubts at our Guru's place. We all were in very relaxed mood! Now we were at a very 'peaceful' space! Then out of blue, I darted a question at her "Why do all the best people die?"

Without even flinching a eyelid she asked "When you are in a garden which flowers do you pick?"

"The most beautiful ones" I answered matter-of-factly.

"Exactly!" she replied and turned towards someone who asked her some doubt...

Her answer instead of putting me and my doubt at rest opened the Pandora's box of various questions...

I had actually asked her without even thinking about the question. I had just popped up that question....but her answer wow! 

I was lost to the rest of the session.....i didn't register what happened later.....

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