Saturday, August 15, 2015

few questions asked...........


First learn to see what IS for what IS. Then you go to understand and know GOD…

Then can’t I see him or call him names till then?

Do whatever you want. Spit on sun for being hot and causing heat burns on you. It doesn’t effect HIM for it falls on your face only…for HIM he is just being himself….

Then how to understand HIM and his ways? How to know His way of doing things? I find facts so contradictory to explanations, how do I trust him?

Just go one step at a time. To know and understand HIM you need to have HIS principles, attitudes and characters along with his priorities. Don’t question why they are. Just know that they constitute Him and develop those qualities.

So start with qualities of forgiving all, being totally unselfish, being regular in sadhan – just to start with. Once these qualities come naturally to you and then go on to develop other qualities. Then one day you’ll see His way. Till then, either accept the ignorance and work on vigorously.-   yes like a mad man as if your entire existence depended on developing these qualities or you suffer with hatred which is also a choice and an easy one in my opinion and hence the world at large prefers it and puts the blame on Him (as He doesn’t question them back for sure!) and goes about cribbing, complaining and hating. These are losers and hence choose this path. But the real winners take the onus of responsibility on themselves to understand His ways and hence go about making themselves worthy of understanding Him and His ways. This path is very tough and only the tough get going here. It’s not for the weak hearted. So sit back and relax, contemplate and choose your path to see the results and to live with its consequences……..

Just as couple of situations and facts don’t reflect who I AM, so too few incidents (stray ones) taken can’t make God or Creator answerable to you or anyone – for that matter.


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