Thursday, May 7, 2015

Guru Dron's good and bad qualities


Let’s look at Guru Dron’s good qualities :

·         He was Guru par excellence.

·         He was Archer beyond comparison.

·         He was so well versed in warfare techniques that none other than Bhishma pitamaha considered him Guru fit enough to teach Kuru princes.

·         He was so spiritually advanced that he could ‘leave his body’ at will and not die a natural death like us mortals.

·         He had knowledge to use all the celestial weapons too! The ultimate was considered to be ‘Brahmastram’ (akin to our nuclear weapon of today). He was expert in its usage and also had power to bring it back if need be. This was no easy task. (Our modern science which is considered to be westerner’s knowledge knows only to develop weaponry which is destructive but not smart enough to negate the missile once it is fired! And yet their knowledge is supposed to be advanced and Indians backward!)

Coming to his weaknesses:

·         He knew Pandavas were right and as per dharma. He knew that what was happening to Draupadi in ‘Dyuth’ (during game of dice) wrong on all accounts and he could stop it happen by intervening. Instead he kept mum and though didn’t do wrong, by keeping silent ‘sinned’ by letting ‘adharmis’ (Duryodhan and his allies) have their way. 

  “One who keeps silent letting the sinner commit sin to protect his interest is a greater sinner than the one committing it Arjuna” says Krishna. This exactly is the reason why I already mentioned in “Ideal husband” that it is his duty to protect her even against his family if need be and the one who lets his family members abuse his wife – be it physical, emotional, psychological, financial or verbal is a greater sinner than his family members.

Coming to Guru Dron, he kept silent not out of fear or ignorance, but only because of his ‘moham’ – attachment to his son who considered Duryodhan as his best friend and stood by him. Unable to go against his son’s wish he stood by ‘adharmis’ – the wrong doers. This single attitude or weakness brought his end and stunted his spiritual growth.

Both of these people had both good and bad qualities but can they be grouped under same heading? Though both fought on behalf of Duryodhan can you hold both of them equally “wrong”?   

Think about it………..


1 comment:

Kshitija said...

Thank you mother
Both of these people had both good and bad qualities but can they be grouped under same heading? Though both fought on behalf of Duryodhan can you hold both of them equally “wrong”?
Think about it………..
Guru drona and shakuni may not be put into the same boat saying they both did the same mistake even though the mistake looks the same there is a difference
Please read the following statement from the previous blog of yesterday His blind love for Gandhari, his sister blinded him to such an extent that he resolved to put an end to Kuru dynasty for getting Gandhari married to blind King Dhritarashtra. He in his hatred did not see the pain Gandhari would’ve to bear due to death of her sons. This ‘hatred’ was the only negative attitude in him that made him use his intelligence (which was on par with Krishna) to destructive purpose.
Even his love for Gandhari became tainted with ‘moham’ attachment as it gave rise to hatred
* shakuni was blinded with love then he wanted to destroy the entire dynasty but guru drona did not have the intension to destroy the entire dynasty
I will leave it here because again I feel they both should be equally punished so I will wait for ur answer in tomorrows blog