Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Is life worth a celebration?

Why to celebrate life?

What is there in my life to celebrate it and be grateful for?

I don’t have a family that is supportive
I don’t have money
I don’t have a life partner who supports me and understands me
I have court cases going on
I don’t have a life partner
My life is boring and its same routine everyday of my life
I am in pain
My life partner left me
I have lots of health issues……

I hope I have almost covered all your problems and complaints…..but watch this link and then ……..

Need I say more!

Celebrate life because it still is!
Celebrate life because you still are alive!
Many times I have realized just existence is worth a celebration……I know you too can…..

1 comment:

Aarthi said...

IS LIFE WORTH A CELEBRATION, DT 20 march 2015( people who missed reading can easily check)

One of my friend was sponsor for free artificial limbs( donating),two days back all measurement were. taken,,v got to hearsome of there life story,...some lost their leg in some accident,some just slip ,some high sugar BUT LIFE IS STILL ON &GOING FOR THEM.THIS FEB 20 MAY B V WILL Get the stock ready....its really likes reminders for me, SEE & LEARN WITH WAT U STILL HAVE, v r blessed...yet miss and complain abt small issues....

I personally know a kid,first two yrs of his life was great...AND HE WAS only child after15 yrs of married life,.... Slowly kid started falling ill,he was not able stand on his own,nor walk,DR SAID its genes problem,its in starting stage.....his mother was his best friend,world for him.( his dad was in Dubai) working,he never bothered ant kid or wife,should for there need v all forced & said v will filleup case he use to send money...tats it( taught not to think of him much,don't understand finally wat will they take with them...but for sure he must have enjoying life there ) sorry but hurts me.

This kid became bed ridden in saw him for 11 yrs same bed,only TV and his mother r his world,BUT NEVER NEVER COMPLAINED, i saw him crying for his pain,he was gaining heavy weight,slowly his legs ,hands,even bones became very stiff,but his mother never left HOPE,
HEWAS VERY SHARP,his ideas..and wat to speak was very clear,he called me akka,i still remember the day,he was not able to walk,asked his mom v will go and see akka,i was in hospital for my delivery,he saw my kid and named him( HAPPY).
HE TAUGHT me many things,always smiling face,always remembers everyone,and ask how r they??
Few days his mom was also suffering with depression,( high depression) lonely,her health issue,she handled him for 14 years ,one day he saw his mom ,feeling sick,he asked her to sleep put on TV,take ur tablets,and pls sleep beside me,his mom was in deep sleep,so was HE,JUST leaned on his,never WOKE UP.
NOV 2018, V LOST HIM,HE IS MY COUSIN BROTHER ,before 4 days v enjoyed my birthday,asking me cake...,its seems u have a bad leg pain take care akka.
V never realize the value of person ,until v find tat empty chair,.
His dad was guest for funeral,he stayed just four days and left India,( me mentioning ant his dad,not for curse or know how people r..busy in own life..own issue...)GOD BLESS ALL& FORGIVE ALL.SORRY FOR big'am .