Friday, November 29, 2013

On traditions and rituals


But, the question is
a)  by bending the rule are we actually doing it right?  The purpose of the ritual itself is lost.  So, even after following it, we don’t see the benefits and complain that inspite of being traditional why am I suffering?  I hope all such people who asked/ and have this question have got their answer.
b)  If not, then what is the purpose of following the tradition where the purpose and the benefit is totally lost?

So, ultimately whether it is about the old ritual/tradition being followed or new one being included/ to be followed look into it’s purpose, procedure and the benefit and then take the call accordingly. 

Taking up a new ritual is a big ‘NO’ when the reasons is one of the following:

1.  Just to go against the family or it’s members
2.  When it is an outcry of my rebellion nature only
3. When I am doing it blindly and to please a certain set of people
4.  To be in the good books of some or to be called a ‘good person’.  Understand following a ritual/tradition will not automatically make you a ‘good person’.  This is a common misbelief that people have. (also refer blog post march 20th 2009)
5. when it is detrimental to one’s physical/emotional/psychological/financial or spiritual benefit.  For eg: aping the west when we accepted social drinking and smoking into our culture or when we became materialistic looking at west, we lost our ‘national character’ and that is the reason for our downfall as a society and nation. (see blog post of Oct 6th 2009 for details) and blog post (Apr 6th 2011)

Pradyumna, I hope your doubt is cleared now.