Saturday, November 16, 2013

Scriptures - their purpose


Other stories also can have such morals then what is the difference between Mahabharata and such novels? Mainly because in this epic, it chalks out the journey of the soul through its various janmas. It talks about the reason which has caused the birth of a person – be it shikhandi, Krishna,Draupadi or for that matter anyone and everyone in that epic has a previous life that continues into present and their journey after their death is also continued in Mahabharata.  So, one gets to see clearly the reason behind every event, act or person’s nature. 

It just doesn’t stop here – because that can be seen in so many TV shows that talk about past life regression.  Mahabharata is a simple to-do list if you want results in any field of your interest – be it professional or spiritual.  Bhagavat Gita which is part of Mahabhara goes bang on to the cause of the problem and also deals with how to handle it, overcome it and finally see that you never come across it ever!

It’s the ultimate in ‘Inner Management’ techniques which when applied by any person in the world will always give the same result without an exception.  It’s the Ultimate Management Book!  It’s simple, applicable, complete and not to forget - latest than the future and hence timeless!

If you want clarification or detailed explanation on any of the above statements, then please post those questions in the comments section and I’ll try to do my best in clarifying your doubts….


Kshitija said...

Did every one of them knew the end results of their deeds before hand

Kshitija said...

In Mahabharata