Tuesday, November 5, 2013



Only a person who can surrender to the will of the Lord and live according to his dictate will understand the meaning of detachment and love and raise to a level of an enlightened Master like Buddha.  This is represented by next step. 

Buddhahood also brings total detachment. Vairagya or total detachment brings with it a perception and an understanding of a situation where nothing can be bettered any more.  It has to be totally annihilated. Then comes the Avatar of Kalki – the Lord of Destruction and the Apocalypse sets in in the form of the great deluge or pralaya – the great flood.  Then Lord absorbs everyone into Himself.  This is an act of Love, of Karunya of compassion. It is not an act of punishment.  He feels for all those who have been going through this cycle of life and death – innumerable times and suffers with them and when he knows they can no more make progress to reach Him He reaches out to them in the form of Pralaya.

Even, at such time he saves the handful like the Rishis and animals represented by the boat – a la Noah’s Ark.  For this he takes Matsya Avatar and then the cycle of Avatar continues.

The question is how long do we want to be part of this cycle of life and death?


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