Friday, March 7, 2025

The power of the Individual!


The power of the Individual!

“Truth, purity and unselfishness – wherever these are present, there is no power below or above the sun to crush the possessor thereof. Equipped with these, one individual can face the whole Universe in opposition.” –Swami Vivekananda.

So true!

Look at the lives of any great leader or person from the leaves of history. You will find proof enough to substantiate this truth.

Mahatma Gandhi, a puny little person dressed only in dhothi shook The Great Empire where the sun never sets! All with just non-violence! So many great wars were fought. So many people died and yet so many nations did not become free. And yet, this Great Nation fought for its freedom with NON-VIOLENCE. Everyone laughed at the idea. But, he believed our scriptures. He believed that being non-violent was more effective than being violent. He was proved right! All with the weapons of Truth, purity and unselfishness!

Mother Theresa, a puny unknown nun from Europe found herself in the dingy lanes of Calcutta. She did not have anyone to guide her. No one to seek help. Left to herself to attend to her belief and call of the Spirit! But, this woman was equipped with Truth, purity (of intent) and unselfishness. And lo, miracles happened one after the other. Lepers were attended. Charity work became a possibility. The sick and the homeless found hope and redemption in her work and through her work.

Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King, Baba Amte, Mirabai, you search and you will find dozen to the score – people who were just equipped with these stellar qualities and won the Nation on their side. Again and again – proved!

And yet, we need reasons to develop these qualities.

And yet, we seek power from others.

And yet, we think to fight is to be powerful.

The best thing about being “most powerful” is you start the war on your weakness. The war is within your area of operation – right within. And all through the day we can wage this war. No bloodshed. No money required. No one need know our failures.

Truth, purity and unselfishness! That’s all it takes to win every battle in this World, of this World!


# purity, Truth, unselfishness, selfishness, pain and suffering, ego, chastity, 

also read suggested 



Thursday, March 6, 2025

Grace healings – Mona, Kshitija, Swathi


Grace healings – Mona, Kshitija, Swathi

Receive Reiki for 3 days for going through the “Read suggested” and then coming back with their understanding.

Read here once again – they receive grace healings for “coming back with their understanding” – no filters there.

No one is telling – it is right understanding or

It is great understanding or

It is beautiful and so on….

Just for sharing their perspective, they receive “grace healings”.

So, understanding from this exercise “When we just do our job right sincerely, honestly, completely, with the right intent and to the best of Our (not the best or in comparison to others) – just to the best of our abilities, we become eligible to receive the “grace” from above and Universe.

Let this understanding change the way you do things and expect grace!


# grace healings, grace, gratitude, you receive what you give, destiny and fate, abundance, 

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Learning from the Old! - Peace of mind!


Learning from the Old! - Peace of mind to As you like it!

Do go through all the understandings that you all have come up with. 


Now Put them together and see what more you can understand.

Now, also see where you can apply it in your life.

Don’t use it to drag others from your life to label them as so and so.

Just see how and where it can be applied in YOUR LIFE and life situations.

What does that tell about yourself?

What do you understand about your problem and your suffering in such cases?

What is the solution?

Where is the solution?

Ask such and related questions and then sum up all your understandings.

Share if you care.


Read for this month is “”

The read will help your understanding of this topic further.

Read this by 15th of this month and get back with your observations, understandings etc and we’ll continue from there. 

# on receiving and giving, on karma, destiny, fate, you are what you read, intent, outer world is the reflection of your inner world, 

Monday, March 3, 2025

Grace healings


Grace healings

Swathi and Mona receive Reiki for 2 days for doing the sadhan regularly.

Every sadhan counts. Every bit of sadhan is important and vital. Be in sadhan. Grow strong. Grow sensible. Develop clarity of thought. Attract all kinds of abundance in your life. Yet, be humble.


Grace healings


Grace healings

Mona receives Reiki for 2 days for doing sadhan on Shivarathri.

Every sadhan that you do helps you discover the "Real you".

Sadhan takes you closer to yourself!

This is not something that you are doing for anyone in the World or beyond. You are doing this for yourself.

Be good to yourself!

Loving thyself expresses itself with healing!

One who doesn't "work on healing himself" hasn't started the journey of loving himself!


Sunday, March 2, 2025

Grace healings


Grace healings

Swathi, Kshitija, Mona receive Reiki for 3 days for giving their feedback – both on posts and their sadhan experiences.

Keep up the good work!

Look not what others are doing or not doing, but you go the extra mile and be more giving than others!

Be the better person!

Walk alone and walk right!


# be in sadhan, grace healings, healing self, regular sadhan, being connected, mindfulness, healing self, 

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Sadhan March 2025


Sadhan March 2025

Do Navagraha healing at least thrice per week.

Do re-birth meditation with sorrow at least thrice per week.

Do homam at least 6 times per week. (If one does regularly he has to do twice a day 7 days a week that comes to 14 times per week)

Those who can do more number of times, do it.

Come back with your experiences, observation, understandings every weekend or month end as per your convenience.



Saturday, February 15, 2025

Me, My Guru – On surrender – Tale of two neighbours



Me, My Guru – On surrender – Tale of two neighbours

Pointers to understand the post:

“Guruji, I surrendered and yet things didn’t go my way. And you still ask me to believe in God? How can I trust Him if HE doesn’t fulfill my wishes – MY WAY!” asked Vaishnav.” – This is the very oft repeated question/complaint/doubt. The anger that stems from it or that is behind this question/complaint/doubt is also a very common one.

There are two ways of living our lives. One is that we assume to be “normal” (quoting others in our lives) and in justifying our demands/desires and in being angry/frustrated/disappointed/depressed/hopeless and so on.

The other is more “The Right way” and hence less taken one too. It involves that we address our state of mind instead of the issue in our lives. We look at ourselves and see how and why we are feeling a certain emotion. In this path, we take responsibility for our well-being and state of mind in our hands. We stop blaming others for the mess in our lives. This path empowers us in the long run.

But then, as I already said, this is the path less taken and hence assumed to be “not for everyone”!!

He was fuming with anger. And to him, he was justified. He was wronged by our Guru, Reiki and God. They have let him down. He had every right to be angry with them – or so he thought!” – Look at the words here. It is clearly said, “to him, he was justified for his anger”. Is it not so with each one of us in every situation in our lives when we think we are suffering our anger/hatred or any such emotion because of others? We ASSUME, I repeat, assume that we are justified in feeling so. As long as we give power to others to take away our peace of mind, we will be victims of our situations. We live in an assumption and belief that if the situation in our lives gets corrected we will be happy. It never is so! We think if people in our lives change for good we will be happy. This too is never right.

Look at the desires and emotions. Sit in meditation. Know their cause. Know their impact on you. Know their hold on you. Become free of their hold on you. That is true freedom! That is empowerment. There is no other way to happiness and freedom!"


# surrender, faith, trust, belief, doubt, suffering, waiting, attitude, calm mind, mindfulness, being still, let miracle work through you, being his vessel,

Question time:

How was the post?

What did you understand?

Was the post useful to you?

How will you apply in your life?

Any other points worth mentioning????

Friday, February 14, 2025

Me, My Guru – On surrender – Tale of two neighbours



Me, My Guru – On surrender – Tale of two neighbours

If you are not happy with God’s way of running your life, don’t surrender. Go your way!

Work out your life and desires your way. No one can object to that. You have both choices. You take the one that is beneficial and up to your preference.

But if you hold others’ responsible for the results that you seek, the only think you are walking towards and creating for yourself is hell of pain and suffering!

To know, accept and outgrow that we all need to meditate – a lot and then put all the techniques that we know to apply what we know to practice.”

She left us for the day!

We didn’t leave her or the topic – for many days to come.

Later too, we just pushed this topic and related emotions into the background.

Other issues cropped up that demanded our attention – hence!

And those emotions lay there buried fuming to express themselves with a little trigger!

Would we be able to know then that these emotions had surfaced?

Only Time would tell?

For now, we thought we had left them behind us for good!



# surrender, faith, trust, belief, doubt, suffering, waiting, attitude, calm mind, mindfulness, being still, let miracle work through you, being his vessel,

also read suggested further on this topic 

Pointers to understand the post in the next post.........Continued......

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Me, My Guru – On surrender – Tale of two neighbours



Me, My Guru – On surrender – Tale of two neighbours

Once you meditate and understand this, you’ll understand the nature of desire. The Ego survives because of our desires. So it keeps generating desires one after the other. The story never ends.

But if we take a pause and meditate, we’ll see how our emotions make us run from here to there – driving us crazy.

Then in that state of understanding when we surrender our desire to Reiki or God, then, we know that “whatever happens, happens for our good”.

We’ll not use ‘our stupid logic’ and pose questions like “But this happens in everyone’s life know?”


“But everyone is happy…”

“We’ll not play a ‘victim-card’ to project ourselves as ‘poor baby’.

We’ll stop all these childish games.

And in that wait which is full of faith and trust – not hope of fulfillment, a certain miracle happens. The doors of abundance opens. This necessarily doesn’t mean our desire is fulfilled though. In each one’s life, the abundance and miracle take a different hue. It all depends on his soul agenda, journey, karma, worthiness and need of the hour.

Then, the sadhak doesn’t see the storm that is in his life – he sees the “rainbow” – the miracle as promised by Reiki or God!

Surrender is a big thing! It is not a word as you say or think. It takes janmas to understand it right and apply it.

Many use it to avoid playing their part in the happenings of their life. They are weak ones. They are escapists. Surrender is not that also!


# surrender, faith, trust, belief, doubt, suffering, waiting, attitude, calm mind, mindfulness, being still, let miracle work through you, being his vessel,

also read suggested further on this topic 

read the link to understand what faith is made of.........

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Me, My Guru – On surrender – Tale of two neighbours



Me, My Guru – On surrender – Tale of two neighbours

He often thought he was logical and right when he posed questions or argued his points. But those listening to him could clearly see flaws in his attitude, words and logic! The day we are able to do the same with our words, feelings, emotions and logic would be the day we have won ‘Olympic Gold’ in the ‘Spiritual World’. Would I see that day in this life of mine, I wondered!

“Yes, you can. Nobody can question that. It’s just that not all demands are given in to by our Father! Isn’t it the same with our biological fathers too?

( )

“To ask is our right and to fulfill it is His Choice”.

To love a girl is your right. But it is the girl’s choice to accept it or not.

To apply to a Company is your right, they accepting it or not is their right! Isn’t it?

You expecting your children to take care of you in old age is your right. They doing so or not is their choice” she continued.

“Ok, ok, I get it. then why should I surrender when He may not fulfill it?” asked Vaishnav visibly irritated.

“No, you didn’t GET IT. if you had you wouldn’t have asked this question. We DEMAND that our wish be fulfilled because we become restless, disturbed, adamant and demanding because of our desires. We DON’T LIKE being in that space of disturbed state. So, we ASSUME we’ll become calm and peaceful if and when our desires are fulfilled. But it doesn’t happen so. We may become calm for very little time but the next desire comes to disturb us. This way we keep going from one desire to the other.


# surrender, faith, trust, belief, doubt, suffering, waiting, attitude, calm mind, mindfulness, being still, let miracle work through you, being his vessel,

also read suggested further on this topic

Point to consider:

I take pains to search for the link that adds meaning and gives answers to your questions as you read through the present post. When I can take pains to do so, why can't you take the trouble to read the link to get your answers, is the question that bothers me since years.......


better still, I think I can stop doing this unnecessary work of giving links of the previous posts for your read.......

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Me, My Guru – On surrender – Tale of two neighbours



Me, My Guru – On surrender – Tale of two neighbours

Our Guru smiled and shared this beautiful, small yet profound anecdote with us.

“In a certain lived two neighbours. The drainage of one house-holder was going through the compound of the other house-holder. One insisted stoppage of the drainage and the other refused to do so. An arbitration was arranged. Arbiters were appointed. It was accepted that both would abide by the judgement of the board. Both agreed.

Then one refused to close his drains or change its course. He was adamant. Now the board was confused. Were they not selected to make a decision? But still, one wasn’t ready to accept the decision.

In the same way, surrender doesn’t mean “I’ll give you power to resolve this issue but it should be resolved my way.

If you’ve surrendered your desire it doesn’t mean God or Reiki will fulfill it! (

It means you’ve a desire and you’ve given God or Reiki to decide to give it or NOT to you. Either way it works, accept it as “Mahaprasadam”.

That is surrender!

Being happy only when it works as per your taste, preference and want is not surrender. That is demanding”.

“But you say God is our father. Then why can’t I demand from HIM? asked Vaishnav being very irritated.

He often thought he was logical and right when he posed questions or argued his points. But those listening to him could clearly see flaws in his attitude, words and logic! The day we are able to do the same with our words, feelings, emotions and logic would be the day we have won ‘Olympic Gold’ in the ‘Spiritual World’. Would I see that day in this life of mine, I wondered!


# surrender, faith, trust, belief, doubt, suffering, waiting, attitude, calm mind, mindfulness, being still, let miracle work through you, being his vessel,

also read suggested further on this topic 

Every image in every post speaks volumes........SEE, NOTICE, ABSORB, MEDITATE ON IT, WORK ON IT TILL YOU LIVE IT ALL!

Monday, February 10, 2025

Me, My Guru – On surrender – Tale of two neighbours


Me, My Guru – On surrender – Tale of two neighbours

“Guruji, I surrendered and yet things didn’t go my way. And you still ask me to believe in God? How can I trust Him if HE doesn’t fulfill my wishes – MY WAY!” asked Vaishnav.

He was fuming with anger. And to him, he was justified. He was wronged by our Guru, Reiki and God. They have let him down. He had every right to be angry with them – or so he thought!

Were we all not so in similar instances that involved us?

We transferred our helplessness, frustrations, and desperation on people who had nothing to do with it – mostly and many times!

We understand where he came from. But, now being away and disassociated from (similar) situations, we could see how wrong he was.

It is so easy to know right from wrong when we are detached. Now, I understand why our Guru always asked us to practice detachment in our worldly affairs. We would be fair. We would be calm. We would act sensibly!

Our Guru smiled and shared this beautiful, small yet profound anecdote with us.


# surrender, faith, trust, belief, doubt, suffering, waiting, attitude, calm mind, mindfulness, being still, let miracle work through you, being his vessel,

also read suggested further on this topic 

read the beautiful story of the young boy to understand what "FAITH" actually means.......

Saturday, February 8, 2025

Repeat sadhan of last year - Slowing down to receive Grace!


Repeat sadhan of last year - Slowing down to receive Grace!

The one common statement that I get to hear a lot is “I want to receive special treatment from you/God/Reiki. Well, I found that I have given this opportunity last year and I am repeating that offer again this year too!

Read the link “"  and follow it to the “T” to receive special treatment – which is (in my opinion) Reiki from me.

This sadhan also entitles us to receive from the Universe. That is the best part of this sadhan. But, you can’t do with that in mind. The entire sadhan is about being with the “ACT” rather than the bonus at the end of the day. So, be with it. Enjoy the process. And be blessed!

One disclaimer: DON’T THINK YOU CAN ENCASH THIS GRACE IN EXCHANGE FOR YOUR DESIRE! And then don’t come complaining that your desire is not fulfilled. Grace works in its own area and at its Will! That is the rule of “Grace”.


# being aware, mindfulness, being in the moment, disturbed mind, disciplined mind, being grateful, on grace, miracles, living now and here,