Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Me, My guru – Little Patridges and the mighty Ocean – Bhagavatham!



Me, My guru – Little Patridges and the mighty Ocean – Bhagavatham!

Your fight can be with your situation.

Your fight can be with your disturbing emotions too! You can be waging war within yourself. You may be facing the inner demons. This fight everyone does alone! Fear would come to us. But like Patridge couple, if we just start the war against the ego, our inner demons and ourselves, then bye and by, we’ll find help from the unknown quarters too. Eventually, we’ll retrieve what we’ve lost.

We’ve lost connection with our soul. We’ve lost ourselves to Maya. We’ll regain our lost kingdom of Heaven. We’ll regain ourselves. We’ll be free from all weaknesses and fear. we’ll be blissful ever after!

God will come then! But, a journey of these 1000 miles starts with the first step!

Do not look at your opponent’s strength.

Do not look at your flaws and weaknesses.

Do not see that you are alone.

Do not be harbouring your negativity on the wrong done to you. Get up. Collect yourself. Take action to correct the wrong.

These were the exact things the Patridge couple did. They didn’t see how mighty the ocean was.

They decided not to let the wrong win.

They fought to right the wrong.

Then, you’ll never feel weak and helpless as humans.

Then, even God will come to your aid.

Arise, awake and stop not ill you reach your goal – Uthishta!” our Guru concluded.

She answered our questions. We were left with no questions – for now!

She gave us our solutions. She showed us the way. But, like the pig, we reveled in our shitty existence. (To understand how Maha Vishnu when took a form of pig was clouded by Maya

As long as we embraced our ignorance of our “True Nature” there was no way out of our pain and suffering.

She left us for the day!

We left her place.

Did we all receive all that our Guru gave?

Bless the day when we would!!??

But, today, it remained a wishful thinking!



# bhagavatham, patridge and the ocean, destiny and fate, resolve, intent, determination, breakdown situations and break through situations, Me my guru,

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read the link given in complete to understand how "MAYA" is so powerful that it can cloud the Lord Vishnu too to believe he is the form and name that he takes on...

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So many links were beautiful and full of answers to your questions...but couldn't give them all as it would be too much for you....but, seriously, read the old posts regularly - they have so much more to give you......

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Me, My guru – Little Patridges and the mighty Ocean – Bhagavatham!



Me, My guru – Little Patridges and the mighty Ocean – Bhagavatham!

There is good news though here. We have an other option – a better option. We can choose to come out of our suffering. For this, we have to first accept that what the other person has done reflects who he is and not us. We can’t change them. Even in future, we can’t change the way the other person behaves with us. But, we can work on ourselves. We can choose not to let their actions impact us. We can heal our conditioning, belief systems, expectations, and ego. This would finally make it easy for us to make the right choices again and again till we master our emotions and our responses.

The person who cheats, defames, deceits or hurts us may be powerful like that Mighty Ocean. Power can be that which comes with money, post, status or even by way of age. Power also comes to a person when he is close to us emotionally too! That is the most ‘powerful’ of all powers. This power makes the person most powerful. Because, we find it easy to fight a war with an outsider, but to have even an argument with a family member drains us of our energy! Now imagine, we have to wage a war against our relatives. That is the level of weakness Arjuna faced in the Kurukshetra war.

Such situations and people that we need to fight against are no doubt powerful. We feel weak and helpless. But, if we like that patridge couple decide to keep up our side of fighting against the wrong-doer, will no doubt win the war – eventually! Even God will be on our side. If we are not ready to fight our battle, how will God come to our aid? So, is it not stupid on our part to curse God for not coming to our aid? Think about it!


# bhagavatham, patridge and the ocean, destiny and fate, resolve, intent, determination, breakdown situations and break through situations, Me my guru,

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read the complete link to understand that no person can get away from facing the effects of his evil deeds - no, not even with his boon that he gets from Lord Shiva himself.....