Thursday, November 5, 2020

Change the perspective lady!


Change the perspective lady! 

Sometimes we will fall sick and on other days we are healthy.

Some days we receive people in life and on some days we lose some!

Healing cannot and won’t make a change in ‘change of seasons’!

But it will help us change our perspective for better! Because, it is the perception that decides whether we suffer or enjoy the ‘change of season’ every time!

And that is all we need in our life every time we suffer or are in pain!

So why not put reasoning to good use and change our perspective for better? 

All this time, we have justified our emotions and validated our suffering and pain with reasoning. Today, let's put reasoning and logic to good use - to benefit us. Let us learn to use reasoning the right way. Instead of standing by our desires and our emotions, let's question our desires and emotions. Let's work towards desires if need be, but with the change in our way of working towards their fulfillment. Let’s make this small beginning. Let’s make this small change. 

Let’s see where it leads us. 

Just let’s do it! 


# change the perspective lady story, perspective, perception, attitude and its effect, good and bad, seasons of life, life and its aspects, celebration of life, reasons to celebrate in life, complaining about life, grateful for life .... 

also read suggested : 

Have your ever changed your perspective and found difference it brought about in your life? 

Would there be any change in the state of mind because of change in the perspective?


Supriya said...

Very nice story!

Yes, I have a experienced good things the moment I changed my perspective. The situation, or people no longer had control over me. I found the solutions instantly. Also, I was able to see the good those situations, and people did to me.

Whenever, I find myself worrying about a situation I take a step back. Sometimes, I sit to meditate and within no time I find a way to deal with it. After that even the most painful situation turns into an fruitful adventure.

I have noticed that once a change in my perspective occurs, I start enjoying the journey. I have peace of mind and faith restored. I don’t think on the lines of tolerating, because I already feel liberated.

Thank you!

Unknown said...

Hello everyone,

I agree with Supriya as even I experienced something similar. Some point in my life I gave importance to something without which I felt it was impossible to exist. But I realized that the more I crave for it the distance was increasing between us. Finally when I let it go with great difficulty, to my surprise it came back to me. Now I value it but don't crave for it. This is the lesson I have learnt out of the experience.
