Wednesday, February 4, 2015

On Gratitude


1.      Validate the role of your Guru in your life. The entire post is based on this. So need I say more? You know how and why now. The person who’s given you solution to your problem, whose made a better person, whose been a beacon of light in the darkness called hopelessness and desperation if you can’t thank him who else will and can you? Thank him! For he is not in need of it. He’s giving you an opportunity to be grateful. To be thankful. To validate the blessings that comes your way. It’s beneficial only to you and you alone. Be genuinely grateful for all that he has and had contributed in your life.

This attitude unless understood, practiced and lived no actual healing starts in real sense. Just practice this and see the abundance flow in your life.

2.      When you have really validated and are grateful in various ways as stated above, you’ll want to share the abundance with others. This is the sign that you have understood atleast a little of being grateful. 

At start it starts with ‘charity’. You want to give because you realize others lack most of what you take for granted in life and wish to give them a little of what you have to them. But, as you grow spiritually you understood you don’t ‘help’ others or ‘do charity’ to them. How can one blind man lead the other? You yourself are directionless and complaining of things that you lack and yet you think you can ‘help’ others. You are ever begging for things, events to happen and not happen from the Gurus and the God and how can one beggar ‘donate’ to other? So, you come to understand that you can serve only. Serve your fellow humans initially and gradually see that you are actually serving the God who is present in the form of ‘needy people’ for it is only Him –be it a star, a politician, a sinner or a beggar. So, you serve Him through these manifestations of Him. That’s why serving the poor is called as “Daridra Narayana Seva” (in Sanskrit language) in India. It is ‘daridra’ – poor though is still ‘Narayana’ i.e., the Lord Vishnu – the protector of the Universe.

So, next question would be what to give in charity?


1 comment:

Vaibhav said...

This was very wonderful....
nice explanation..