Tuesday, February 24, 2015

How to make negative people your stepping stone to success?


Observe one thing though. You’ve changed as a person and in this journey of change you’ve outgrown your own limitations and belief-systems and principles. What you thought right you no longer think it so now. Your perception itself has changed so much (and that is in your words). Why? That’s because you went through sadhan regularly and exposed yourselves to such words that kept questioning your belief system. Did it happen overnight? No. even thoughts which you accepted you couldn’t put to practice yet. And that’s because change can be bit over whelming for most of us. And if it is to break the old way of thinking and taking to new way of thinking – it’s all the more difficult. And kudos to all of you for still keeping up this fight with yourself. Pity others who don’t even know this possibility.

Since sadhan changed you, only sadhan can change them or the people whom you say you love and want to protect against hurt and malice.

For that you can do intention reiki with all the qualities that you wish them to have or even simply state ‘they are healthy, happy and peaceful’. Because one can be happy and peaceful only when one knows to be so in all circumstances – that is when a person is balanced. Once one becomes balanced no one and no situation can hurt them. And the same ideal should be ours - to have that ‘state of mind’ where we are happy inspite of situations and not because of situations. There are miles to go before I sleep – so dear mind arise, awake and rest not till the goal is reached!

Journey will be tedious and long; yet don’t compromise on your goal. Never settle for anything less. You may be tired and fail a million times but when you get up to walk it should be to reach this goal ONLY – Always!

 (Temptations and fears enroute...)

So, everytime you get irritated at something or someone understand that your balance is disturbed and remember immediately to do sadhan to restore it. Use every slip as an excuse to do sadhan then every person and situation that is negative will become your accomplice in helping you realize your SELF – they will be steps that will lead you to self realization! If you can apply this simple technique then your prayer will become as that of  Buddha “God send more negative people in my life so that I am forced to be in sadhan 24/7 which will help me to outgrow my limitations and realize my “SELF”.


1 comment:

Vaibhav said...

Awesome, wonderful..Just loved this post mam...

The last lines brought smile instantly on my face and lots of Joy in my heart..

The last paragraph is really really very very nice...

"So, everytime you get irritated at something or someone understand that your balance is disturbed and remember immediately to do sadhan to restore it. Use every slip as an excuse...."


You have very nicely and in very very simple words explained the concept of "Using Failures, as steps to success"
