Tuesday, May 6, 2014


Bhagavatam - an excuse to fall in love with Krishna....

And whatever mind continuously and repeatedly longs for, thinks about becomes, that thought comes to mind even at the time of death.  This is only about increasing the probability of chance of remembering God's name, form - but there is no guarantee of that though!

Gandhiji even when hit by a bullet uttered "Hey Ram" out of habit and regular sadhan at the time of death.

And as already explained the last thought decides the type of our birth in next life.....So, if we die with the Lord's name on lips we'll take life at a place which is condusive for our spiritual growth, thereby increasing our speed towards liberation from the cycle of life and death.

The more the mind sings the glory of His Name, the less thoughts about what she said or he didn't do - thereby are we not reducing our negative karma?  We are immediately blessed with peace of mind - thereby decreasing BP, tension, insomnia and a host of diseases relaated to our negative thinking which is proved by the medical world.

So read, listen - more and more about his glory, name, miracles performed by Krishna....and what better scripture to read that Bhagavatam for this purpose.....

This is the reason why one should read Bhagavatam and I hope you have understood how it benefits us....

The same explanation applies to Ramayana, Mahabharata, Devi Bhagavatam and such scriptures....

This in short is the back-drop of Bhagavatam - why it was narrated and what's the benefit of the same ......we'll read about the stories sometime later......

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