Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Draupadi - Mahabharata


That doesn't mean we start hating ourselves or feel guilty that we are responsible for our fate and present situation.  Instead, like Draupadi we can learn to face it with intelligence, equanimity and poise.  The boon which easily could've taken her and her husbands into deep hell was converted intp tapas and having lived with restraint, self-control and understanding they (Pandavas and Draupadi) converted their curse or tough situation into a beneficial one.  They converted their situation into tapas and thereby stood as examples of Dharma for all times to come. How?

Simple - their relationship itself became tapas and they having lived it became Nitya tapavis".  When such a unique and tough situation can be converted into a reason to practice penance, why then we are suffering our issues so much that we are breaking from within?  Why are we hurting our 'Spirit' with pain and guilt that stems from anger?

Agreed we are not where we want to be!  We are with someone we don't want to be with!  We are not having what/whom we desire.  Yet, can't we convert our life/life situation itself into a sacrificial fire and feed it with purity, balance of body and mind and cheerfulness?

Each of our situations seems different but most difficult to the one who is living it.  Maybe it is too!  Agreed.  Yet, would we be/are we any better with all this bitterness, pain, anger, hopelessness, complaints and helplessness?  Sit and meditate.  Try to find a way to convert this 'unwanted situation' into a great reason to become and experience divinity within.  No, don't bother calling me/writing to me to ask 'how do I convert my situation into tapas?'  I can't answer for you.  It can be done - that's for sure! That much I can tell.  How? is the question you need to find an answer for yourself - because it is different for each one of us and it can unfold only to oneself - not to others -yes not even to their Guru!  So, sit and meditate and find an answer.....(all the best for that)


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