Saturday, September 19, 2009



The most important for any healing is ‘attitude’ as we all very well know. Then, what are the attitudes that hamper my FA in my life. I’ll just give few examples to reflect on wrong attitudes – please take time to reflect on other attitudes. Don’t brush it aside saying ‘I am not like this’ or ‘This applies to so and so person correctly’. Are we not bothered about our FA here. Then why the talk about x, y, or z in our life?

1. One lie many would love to say emphatically is “I am not a money minded person. I am not interested in money. I don’t like or need money.” Think about this statement. Why do we say this in the first place? What is the message I am sending to the world at large? I want to educate my kids in the best universities and yet say ‘I don’t need money’. I want articles to make life of my kids and family members comfortable and still say ‘I don’t want money’. Monthly atleast twice I need to go to hotels to entertain my near and dear but still say ‘I don’t need money’. Should I continue? What exactly makes me say this ‘complete white lies’.
2. One more statement which is a great give away of our personality is “I never get what I want though I deserve it. But all others get more than what they deserve.” What character is reflected when a person states such dialogues? How and why it affects FA of that person? Please elaborate.
3. Wastage. Reiki is abundance. But reiki and nature is against wastage. I request you all to expand and explain this statement too.
4. Can you come up with such related attitudes with regards to money – spending and earning that is bad for FA?

As you write in detail I’ll go on to write the next blog…….

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hi this is uday,
i feel this interesting but i cant understand one thing here.what is FA?

1.every one likes to be considered in society as ideal,though they dont intend to be.many people just want to have the mask of "the right person" no matter how their attitude is.
it makes them say that they dont need those benefits which others r enjoying & they hav to struggle to get.

2.i say its true escapism!if a person really wants anything to the maximum extent,he'd get into the ways to achieve it & would not relax untl he gets it.
i'll give an example.a student wants to score 90% in his annual exams but doesnt work upto the required level.he just says that he's aimed to get top rank n he's trying for that.

when he doesnt get his expected score,others would come & console him that "u've tried ur best,its not ur fault....".he doesnt want to blame himself n says the valuation is not good..blah blah

its the common human tendency to keep themselves off the blame

pls dnt mind if my opinion is wrong....