Learning from the Old! - Peace of mind to As you like it!
Do go through all the understandings that you all have come up with.
Now, also see where you can apply it in your life.
Don’t use it to drag others from your life to label
them as so and so.
Just see how and where it can be applied in YOUR LIFE
and life situations.
What does that tell about yourself?
What do you understand about your problem and your
suffering in such cases?
Where is the solution?
Ask such and related questions and then sum up all
your understandings.
Share if you care.
Read for this month is “https://kantipadam.blogspot.com/2022/02/me-my-guru-as-you-like-it.html”
Read this by 15th of this month and get
back with your observations, understandings etc and we’ll continue from there.
# on receiving and giving, on karma, destiny, fate, you are what you read, intent, outer world is the reflection of your inner world,
1 comment:
My understanding
1. I remembered and re visited the post on Honesty I am sharing the link below . https://kantipadam.blogspot.com/2009/04/honesty.html
2. I am the one responsible for my own destiny . There is no one to blame.
3. From today I will be honest with myself because from the post of peace of mind https://kantipadam.blogspot.com/2009/08/peace-of-mind.html
The boy could not sleep because of his own action and the same way I do not know how many actions I am doing and facing the reservations of them. I will observe my self and question my self why am I doing this? Why is that I am thinking this way ? I will try first work on this areas then get back with my experience.
4. Every thing is connected it is like the sum total of my understanding and I know from my own experience of healing that this understanding is also dynamic and as my Sadhan goes on this is bound to change.
5. I will pay back my debts with honesty.
6. This post has also made me think about the following post on being still https://kantipadam.blogspot.com/2025/02/on-being-still.html and
slowing down in the above post I have commented on my inability to do but now this post has also given me an understanding of importance of being still and slowing down the two important aspects to be closer to your selves.
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