The power of the Individual!
“Truth, purity and unselfishness – wherever these are
present, there is no power below or above the sun to crush the possessor
thereof. Equipped with these, one individual can face the whole Universe in
opposition.” –Swami Vivekananda.
So true!
Look at the lives of any great leader or person from
the leaves of history. You will find proof enough to substantiate this truth.
Mahatma Gandhi, a puny little person dressed only in
dhothi shook The Great Empire where the sun never sets! All with just
non-violence! So many great wars were fought. So many people died and yet so many
nations did not become free. And yet, this Great Nation fought for its freedom
with NON-VIOLENCE. Everyone laughed at the idea. But, he believed our
scriptures. He believed that being non-violent was more effective than being
violent. He was proved right! All with the weapons of Truth, purity and

Mother Theresa, a puny unknown nun from Europe found
herself in the dingy lanes of Calcutta. She did not have anyone to guide her. No
one to seek help. Left to herself to attend to her belief and call of the
Spirit! But, this woman was equipped with Truth, purity (of intent) and
unselfishness. And lo, miracles happened one after the other. Lepers were
attended. Charity work became a possibility. The sick and the homeless found
hope and redemption in her work and through her work.
Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King, Baba Amte,
Mirabai, you search and you will find dozen to the score – people who were just
equipped with these stellar qualities and won the Nation on their side. Again and
again – proved!
And yet, we need reasons to develop these qualities.
And yet, we seek power from others.
And yet, we think to fight is to be powerful.
The best thing about being “most powerful” is you
start the war on your weakness. The war is within your area of operation –
right within. And all through the day we can wage this war. No bloodshed. No money
required. No one need know our failures.
Truth, purity and unselfishness! That’s all it takes
to win every battle in this World, of this World!
# purity, Truth, unselfishness, selfishness, pain and suffering, ego, chastity,
also read suggested
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