Thursday, August 11, 2022

On being balanced – Me, My Guruji


On being balanced – Me, My Guruji

“Guruji, I want to be peaceful and enjoying life. But the people in my life tear me apart.  I get so angry at so many things they say and do. How to correct them? Because, my happiness and peace of mind is dependent on them.”

“If someone can easily anger you, then it is so, because you are off balance with yourself. How can you heal or correct others when you yourself are not balanced? How can healing others be easy when the mind and body within your reach is not ‘listening to you’?” asked our Guruji.  

True! It was such a big world out there. And if I go correcting and healing every one of their attitudes, then even if I take 100 janmas (lives), it may not be enough!!?

Our Guru said it so simply. The one within my reach was the ONLY AREA I need to correct and be in control of. The rest didn’t matter when this happened.


# being balanced, centre - finding it, situation is real suffering is optional, being in control of our emotions, reason over emotions, 

also read previous post on being balanced : 

Points to ponder : 

Sometimes, all it takes to lose balance is a simple phone call. 

A word heard is enough to drive us nuts. Take a moment to look at your emotions. Is it worth suffering so much over a word heard? 

Is it worth losing our peace of mind over someone's actions? 

Is our happiness not precious to us? 

Are we choosing brooding over the other person's actions and words over our peace of mind? Why? Think and meditate on the same!

Answer will surprise you. It will heal you. It will release you from 'that pain' for sure!

Meditate and be free from this pain.

You owe yourself this peace and happiness.....





1 comment:

Swati said...

All the posts that mam you are sending us so so relevant to me to what's going in my life.
Sometimes the answer to all the emotions is ego I feel.
Trying to work on it. Though failing many times.
Thank you mam for guiding me.
And thank you reiki friend for helping me be on right track