Saturday, August 27, 2022

On essentials to live life!


On essentials to live life!

Everything, I repeat, everything in this world and life is there for us to develop the qualities that expresses our grandeur. These are the qualities like patience, discipline, forgiveness, oneness, selflessness, love, empathy, compassion and so on.

All those qualities that suppresses our grandeur are the ones that need to be dropped by us. Some of such qualities are irresponsibility, indiscipline, stupidity, laziness, procrastination (postponement), judging others, fault finding and so on....

Life, its situations and people in our life are the part of stage that is set for us to imbibe such qualities that benefit us. People are given to us to practice sharing, forgiving, caring, telling truth, being honest, being benevolent etc.

When we assume people and life are there to give us joy - well, that wrong understanding and belief system is the cause of all our pains and sufferings.....

# on life, on enlightenment, attitude, moksha, awareness, mindfulness, essentials of life, purpose of life, on living, free mind, love, relationships, use of situations and people in life, 

also read previous post : 



PS : The first link given is too lengthy for all those who are short of patience and time. To those who have just few minutes to go through the link go through the second and third link - they both are just one page each and it should suffice for now for you - 

hope the link benefitted you.....

1 comment:

Kshitija said...

Thank you this post made my day . I have read the link provided and felt oh how stupid of me all the way it was here . Will go through the blog and links again and again to better my understanding.